Dan Cockerell’s Blogcockerellconsu2025-02-14T17:27:51+00:00
“Continuous improvement and learning are essential to success.” ~ Dan Cockerell
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The Final Episode “When you’re appealing to everybody, you’re appealing to nobody. You really have to know who you are and differentiate yourself. Home in on that thing that people are going to remember.” After 5.5 yea …
Give ‘Em The Pickle [Rebroadcast of one of Dan’s favorite episodes.] One of my favorite customer service books is from legendary author and speaker Bob Farrell. In his book, ‘Give ‘Em the Pickle’, he discusses how to imp …
A Trip Down Elm Street [Rebroadcast of one of Dan’s favorite episodes.] “No matter what you’ve done in your life, career and what you’ve been involved with, you’re going to have hard times. And moving on is really the onl …
Developing a New Point of View “Just because the information is at our fingertips doesn’t mean we’re always leveraging it to actually get stuff done and do things.” In today’s fast-paced world, information is readily accessible, ye …
What Is Holding You Back “You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it and how you kind of take it in, and that’s all on you.” Any time someone tells me they wish something was diffe …
Pay Attention to the Person In Front of You “You create your own luck.’ When you engage in conversations with strangers, you never know what it may turn into – a pleasant conversation, a business opportunity, or even a friendship.” Paying atten …
Take Responsibility “Sometimes I look around and say, why am I in this situation? It makes me take a step back to say, “ What did you do to get yourself in this situation? What could you have done to not be in this situ …
Change Your Environment to Change Your Mindset “We’re just so busy and distracted, things come in and out. We just don’t take time to say, wow, that’s a nice thing. I’m creating a little memory for myself right now.” – Dan Cockerell There come tim …
The Four Elements of Team Productivity “Talent times Relationships plus expectations plus reward and recognition equals the productivity of a team.” There are four key elements that contribute to successful team productivity. During this c …
Connecting With Customers Through Storytelling “If you don’t keep their interest, they walk away. So I really learned really quickly how to keep that interest. And that was through storytelling.” Connecting With Customers Through Storytelling Alic …